
PartialBeans easier to use and more visible

delafred opened this issue · 4 comments

I'm currently looking how to optimize my code.
Using redbean I didn't notice that by default all fields are updated.

The method R::usePartialBeans(); can help me on that, I also noticed I can apply an array of beans.

I think it could be easier, safer and more visible

  1. to get an option on the method R::store($bean, $option); that can force this parameter
  2. to get a special method using this parameter
    ex : R::storePartialBean($bean); / R::storeOnlyModified($bean); / R::storePartial($bean); / R::storeDirty($bean);

I explain

  • using R::usePartialBeans(); before/after a R::store(), I don't know how it will react using multithread throw third librairies and reusing class instance (for optimizations purpose).
  • applying this parameter for the whole project is bit difficult for me ( I don't have an efficient test coverage on this project)
  • somehow it can help developers to discover this functionality that is more efficient and energy saver

thx for this library that helped me a lot

Thank you for your feature request, I will look into it.

Note that PHP has a share-nothing architecture, so on normal webservers it should not affect other threads. This is only a problem if you have a long running PHP application that manages its own threads. Is that the case?

This is only a problem if you have a long running PHP application that manages its own threads. Is that the case?

No I'm not in this case, I was more thinking to use pthreads and reuse of instance of rb.
Note that I'm not an expert in PHP

Thanks to have a look on ths functionnality.

pthreads seems abandoned?
You can maybe use RedBeanPHP and many aspects of PHP itself are not thread safe though.

pthreads seems abandoned? You can maybe use RedBeanPHP and many aspects of PHP itself are not thread safe though.

Thanks for the information, I'll have a look.