- 4
exec(..) does not always return Integer as promised
#949 opened by Jemt - 1
Exporting a bean that is stored has different results than one that is not stored
#947 opened by krisives - 1
Redbean returning boolean columns as string
#944 opened by noorbakerally - 2
Request: Derived columns for lists
#940 opened by benmajor - 1
Best way to link to self?
#942 opened by Josh5A - 1
sqlite drop column
#943 opened by nextonphotos - 1
Setting Charset and Collation for legacy application
#948 opened by marios88 - 1
How to set validation conditions and fields default value in redbeanphp in RESTful API mode?
#952 opened by exqmjmz - 1
Phpstan Complains about missing type CustomModel
#953 opened by mattimatti - 4
ID not populating with this SQL select
#950 opened by Josh5A - 1
How can I use monolog to log all db queries?
#951 opened by pitsolu - 1
Long Int problem
#939 opened by sgdot - 0
($code) must be of type int, string given
#945 opened by dandrei - 3
Does RedBeanPHP suffer of the problem of useless order by on some ORM prefetches ?
#941 opened by LLyaudet - 11
OODB RedBean
#931 opened by tihiydo - 4
Warnings during composer dump-autoload
#935 opened by flip111 - 4
PartialBeans easier to use and more visible
#937 opened by delafred - 4
Data is not being stored in DB table
#938 opened by BelleNottelling - 5
Testing connection with R::testConnection()
#933 opened by marios88 - 4
Framework integration
#936 opened by flip111 - 12
Why can't we use PascalCase column names?
#930 opened by hamsbrar - 8
Issue with booleans after update 5.4 -> 5.7?
#932 opened by gabordemooij - 11
why does rb remove the letter "s" at the end of the table name during crud operations in freeze mode
#912 opened by relaxdd - 27
- 7
R::exec(..) improper handling of false in bindings
#923 opened by Jemt - 2
Sqlite connection don`t close
#928 opened by rnr1721 - 4
`WHERE id IN (?)` does not work with bindings
#927 opened by Jemt - 1
#926 opened by Eldormaster - 1
Undefined method 'setup'
#925 opened by issa0sg - 4
Unexpected results in xown
#921 opened by marios88 - 1
- 9
SQLSTATE[22007]: Invalid datetime format: 1366 Incorrect string value: '\xE2\x98\xBA\xEF\xB8\x8E...'
#916 opened by hashborgir - 4
Mysql PDO transaction problem
#918 opened by marios88 - 3
Php 8.2 issue
#919 opened by rivets - 6
bean store issue after duplicate
#917 opened by s4dnss - 3
Deprecation warning
#915 opened by KrYpToDeN - 4
Deprecation Warnings PHP 8.2
#907 opened by Zenger - 0
is this asynchronous?
#913 opened by aotgamerz - 2
- 1
Call to undefined function mb_strlen on php8.2
#908 opened by JamesKingdom - 2
- 1
How to set values on a join table? (shared lists)
#903 opened by fabswt - 2
what is the purpose of this line that affects tables with underscore more than 2 on table names
#904 opened by laupkram - 5
Switching to redbean?I
#901 opened by KoljaL - 3
- 2
Unescaped \ on docs website
#902 opened by benmajor - 7
Models seem to behave strangely with var types
#896 opened by benmajor - 2
R::loadJoined() on null value
#900 opened by marios88 - 3
Null input to trim() deprecated on PHP 8.1
#895 opened by neyre - 2
why empty string returns null in bean
#897 opened by ishowshao