
Android project in Kotlin base on MVVM and clean architecture with coroutines and dagger2

Primary LanguageKotlin

search-meli - A challenge project

Kotlin Coroutines Retrofit Dagger2 Coil

Android project to search for products and list of answers. It has been develop in Kotlin base on MVVM pattern and Clean Architecture with used of some libraries of Jetpack such as ViewModel, LiveData, ViewPager2. Also, Coroutines and Dagger2 as dependency injection


This project has been built with a base modular vision which it has two android modules: app and core
app: it responsability is handle all code of presentation layer
core: it responsability is handle all code of domain and data layers



Clean Architecture - Ivan Kust: https://www.raywenderlich.com/3595916-clean-architecture-tutorial-for-android-getting-started
Clean Architecture - Antonio Leiva: https://antonioleiva.com/clean-architecture-android/
Repository Pattern - Denis Brandi: https://proandroiddev.com/the-real-repository-pattern-in-android-efba8662b754
Android Architecture Blueprints - Google: https://github.com/googlesamples/android-architecture
Patchwork Plaid - Ben Weiss: https://medium.com/androiddevelopers/a-patchwork-plaid-monolith-to-modularized-app-60235d9f212e
Developer Android - Google: https://developer.android.com/

© 2020 Gabriel Pérez