- 13
parallel.foreach Memory Leak
#200 opened by Uefi1 - 0
strange reference to kernel.dll
#199 opened by Jens-G - 1
Bug in TOmniValueQueue
#198 opened by TommiPrami - 0
Memory Leak When Terminate(0) a Runing Thread
#197 opened by yslmyr - 0
- 1
- 0
Out of memory
#194 opened by achinastone - 0
Invalid Delphinus.install.json file
#193 opened by gurocky - 0
3.07.10 please fix hints
#191 opened by LingamYoni - 1
- 0
Add Delphi 12 support
#187 opened by alan008 - 0
Dont Install on Alexandria
#186 opened by gamma2 - 2
Installation on Delphi 11 (GetIt and GroupProj)
#181 opened by rifoerster - 11
Parallel.ForEach going CRAZY on memory
#185 opened by hundreAd100 - 0
- 0
- 0
Parallel.For() does not support Int64 (but Delphi's TParallel.For() does)
#180 opened by GerbenAbbink - 1
Error 1400
#173 opened by chmichael - 1
Compilation of Release 3.07.9 fails with D2010
#179 opened by stj-mv - 2
Madexcept and OTL
#177 opened by chmichael - 0
ForEach not working for objects?
#176 opened by thetoolwiz - 1
AV Setting up Parallel.For<T> on 64 Bit
#140 opened by PeterMDavies - 1
Bug in DSiWin32.DSiUnregisterUserFileAssoc
#167 opened by PeterPanino - 1
FastMM5 or FastMM4-AVX?
#172 opened by PeterPanino - 1
Designtime Release Config incorrect LIB suffix
#175 opened by PrinzAxel - 3
OmniThreadLibrary in GetIt Package Manager?
#171 opened by PeterPanino - 1
#174 opened by PrinzAxel - 6
Delphi 11 Alexandria support
#170 opened by alan008 - 1
Assertion failure Parallel.ForEach(
#168 opened by moctes - 1
AMD 3990X support
#155 opened by Mike1655 - 2
- 0
OmniThreadLibrary Issue - WaitFor() Doesn't executes the task for some random records
#165 opened by Hrushi-UMANG - 1
- 2
Range check error at Initialization
#148 opened by SPepoli - 2
OtlParallel.pas(3884): E2010 Incompatible types: 'TObject' and 'IOmniTaskControl'
#144 opened by AgnenW - 1
- 0
- 1
Access violation when trying to cancel and wait for a not yet started Join
#158 opened by yann-papouin - 4
- 1
- 2
Issue with Pipeline demo 41 compile
#156 opened by tkoscielski - 0
- 1
Exception raised on TOmniParallelJoin.Execute: Task can be only monitored with a single monitor
#154 opened by yann-papouin - 9
TOmniMREW TryEnterWriteLock/TryEnterReadLock
#151 opened by hsvandrew - 1
Error in TOmniMREW.ExitWriteLock
#149 opened by eaglesw - 4
[Q] TaskGroup
#143 opened by Sorien - 7
Task.Invoke not always runs in main thread
#142 opened by Sorien - 1
Bug in TGpInterfaceList.Add method
#139 opened by eaglesw - 2
Sorry for stupid question, but...
#138 opened by MadRatSRP - 5
Should these files be removed from the repository?
#134 opened by jpluimers