
A module (training project) you can use to test functions in the shell (has no real utility)

Primary LanguagePython


Install and Import the module :

Installing the module :

~ git clone https://github.com/gabriel-dahan/visualtest/
~ cd visualtest/

# Linux / MacOS
~ python3 -m pip install -U .

# Windows 
~ py -3 -m pip install -U .

Consider using the --user parameter if you're not a root/admin user.

Importing the module :

from visualtest import VisualTest

Use the 'VisualTest' class.

Once the class is imported, you can use it by passing a callable as parameter.

def foo(x: str, y: int):
    print(f'1st param : {x}\n2nd param : {y}')

vt = VisualTest(foo)

The output will look like this :

~ #1 x [str] : ...
~ #2 y [int] : ...

Here, x is the parameter's name and [str] its type.

If a parameter has no defined type, [] is shown instead, and the user can change the default type (str) to int, float, bool, list, tuple with --type <type>