🗼A starter project template with (Ngnix, ReactJS, Redux, Redux Thunk, React Router, NestJS, TypeORM, PostgreSQL, Docker, PM2) + (Code Style, Conventional Changelog with Commitlint, Husky, Git CZ)
- amalmuliadev@BosowaCorp
- amineoSeason 4, LLC
- AndersonAndradACT
- andrejnsimoesTalkdesk
- AndreMRego
- antoniocszBaiano Fintech
- clonardo
- dansoliveiraInter
- ddedicMediaMarktSaturn Technology
- dscamargoChapecó, SC - Brasil
- esteves-esta
- evandroabreuMobix Software Studio
- felipe-jmLucro Rural & Nota Fiscal Rural
- feliperodalvesDeloitte
- flposRio de Janeiro, Brasil.
- gregorispielmannJobsity
- guigaoliveiraLinker
- guilhermemiuaFlowls
- henriquechsfUmuarama - PR
- IntrovertedFLIntrovertedFL
- joseortiz9@pizzahutuk
- kevenleone@Liferay
- lucasgdbHospital Albert Einstein
- maurisffMaxicon Systems
- MurilloBorges@squads-fabrica-software
- ozseniorcl13@ufam
- RaphaelOliveiraMoura@natahouse
- Rodr1goPI
- rogeriorioliSelf Employer
- roxdavirox@NewGo Tecnologia
- therealsiege@Retrohook
- victorsoliveiraAmbevTech
- vitorsilv@z1app
- VyseClown
- yankaiqueAzul Seguros
- yuriburkBrasil, SC