Tennis court lines detector


Provided with a raw image capturing a baseline view of a tennis court, the goal is to

  • extract the tennis court lines,
  • categorise them given known tennis court dimensions
  • and traverse each of them.

Installation and dependencies

The program has the following dependencies:

  • CMake for building
  • Boost for program arguments parsing
  • OpenCV for image processing functions
  • Eigen for linear algebra operations

To build the program, run the following:

mkdir -p build ; cd build ; cmake .. ; make


Execute with --help to see program usage:

./build/app.exe --help

The program creates 8 .csv files containing x and y pixel positions along 8 tennis court lines visible from the camera viewpoint. In addition the program outputs the full projection matrix describing the correspondance between image 2D pixel coordinates and court 3D world coordinates described in a right-handed coordinates system centered at the intersection between the closest baseline from the cameras and the left sideline, x along the court width, y along the court length and using meters for the unit of length.

Computing the calibratino data brings a lot of advantages like knowing the position of occluded lines, or computing 3D trajectories of objets in the scene (see my latest paper Ball 3D Localization from a single calibrated image)

The --debug input flag enables the display of intermediate debugging images.


The courtdetector located in modules is meant to belong to a large computer vision pipeline in which modules process multiple consecutive images and deliver their result downstream. This module consumes gray images (8-bits per pixels) and produces the associated calibration data using knowledge of the tennis court dimensions.

Working hypothesis

The implementation relies on several hypothesis:

  • the camera captures half of the tennis court with a baseline view and has low lenses distortion (the code assumes no distortion)
  • the service rectangle is fully visible and the service line appears shorter than the besaline below.
  • the tennis court dimensions are known and given (defaults to 'ITF')


The calibration enables superimposition of full tennis court lines on the input image: assets/output.png

Developement notes

The code was initially prototyped using Python, although keeping efficiency in mind, for its flexibility and ease of developement. Only few python libraries were used, making translation to C++ easier.

The code necessary for the working solution was then translated into C++.


I followed a pipeline workflow allowing to add, remove or swap individual components easily.

I tested different approaches for edge detection (CannyEdgeDetection and LaplacianEdgeDetection) but they didn't provide good enough accuarcy. I then tried a corner detection approach (HarrisCornerDetection combined with LinesFromPoints) but the results were not yet perfect. I finally used a Hough Lines detector (SegmentsDetection), refining the detected segments with ClusterDetectedSegments, and that produced the best results.

The last part which consists in detecting relevant keypoints and finding the homography was trivial for me as I did it nunmerous times in the past.

To install the python code dependencies, run the following command from the prototyping folder:

pip install -e .

An example using the provided raw image is given in the prototype.ipynb notebook.

jupyter notebook prototype.ipynb

Final implementation

Once the python version was finished, I addressed the translation to C++ of the necessary components. The code structure only changed slightly.

I chose to use CMake for building because, although I had no previous experience with it, it is considered a more modern and efficient alternative to GNU autotools. It was also my first experience with Eigen as I never had to implement linear algebra operations with C++ before.


I developed this library alone during my free time.