A command line simulation of a toy robot moving on a square tabletop, of dimensions 5 units x 5 units. There are not any kind of obstruction and the robot is free to roam around the surface of the table, and he is clever enough to recognize the board limits, so don't worry, he won't break!
There is no specific OS requirement
Bundler >= 1.11.0
ruby >= 2.2.2
After cloning the repo, cd to the root directory and invoke:
bundle install
To run the application in interactive mode, invoke:
$ ruby lib/toy_robot.rb
Permitted commands are:
PLACE X,Y,F (i.e PLACE 2,3,NORTH): to place the robot on the board
X: from 0 to 4
Y: from 0 to 4
MOVE: to move the robot on step forward where the robot is facing
LEFT: to rotate the robot to the left
RIGHT: to rotate the robot to the right
REPORT: to report where the robot is at the moment.
To run all specs invoke:
The commands are case insensitive, so is the same if you write NORTH or NorTh. If you want, you are able to place the robot multiple times, take into account that you will receive a failure message if the robot is not placed and you try to execute commands on the robot.
- Fork it ( https://github.com/gabriel128/if_true_if_false/fork )
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b my-new-feature
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin my-new-feature
) - Create a new Pull Request
This work is under a GPL v3 license.