
A solidity smart contract to process celo, cUSD, and cEUR payment at scale.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

A solidity smart contract to process celo, cUSD, and cEUR payment at scale

Forwarder Factory + Create2 with Truffle

Forwarder: Create a smart contracts that can accept funds as if they were ordinary accounts, with the sole functionality of forwarding the accepted funds to a fixed, predetermined address.

Factory: factory pattern significantly helps reduce the cost of these transactions. Instead of encoding the same logic multiple times when deploying a new Forwarder, we can deploy a single ForwarderFactory that knows how to instantiate new Forwarders.

Create2: Predict what a smart contract address will be without deploying the smart contract.


truffle compile

truffle console --network alfajores

migrate --reset

salt = 1

instance = await ForwarderFactory.deployed();

celo_euro_contract = '0x10c892A6EC43a53E45D0B916B4b7D383B1b78C0F'

celo_dollar_contract = '0x874069Fa1Eb16D44d622F2e0Ca25eeA172369bC1'

flushFundToThisAddress = '0x55579425171edC37da00D2930870873D0eeBCB02'

predictedContractAddress = instance.getComputedAddress(flushFundToThisAddress, salt)

deployedPredictedCrtAddress = instance.initForwarder(flushFundToThisAddress, salt)

forwarder = await Forwarder.at(predictedContractAddress)

await forwarder.flush()

await forwarder.flushERC20(celo_euro_contract)

await forwarder.flushERC20(celo_dollar_contract)