
:iphone: Mobile (react-native) project of barber shop scheduling app :barber: for costumers

Primary LanguageJava


GoBarber (mobile)

💻 Web version here
💾 Backend version here

Mobile (react-native) project of barber shop scheduling app 💈 for costumers, developed during GoStack10 bootcamp.

🔎 Overview / Visão geral

This application allows:

  • Create and update account;
  • See all barbers and their available schedule;
  • Schedule and cancel an appointment with a barber;
  • Send notification to web project - barber platform;

🚀 See about this challange here

📱 Interfaces view



🔗 Project dependencies

✔️ @react-navigation/native (v5) // routing and navigation for your React Native apps
✔️ @react-native-linear-gradient // <LinearGradient> component for react-native
✔️ axios // promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js
✔️ date-fns // library to handle with date
✔️ styled-components // allows to write actual CSS code to style components
✔️ redux // allows manage app global state
✔️ redux-saga // allows manage app global state using middlewares (each other things)
✔️ redux-persist // Persist and rehydrate a redux store.
✔️ reactotron-react-native // desktop app for inspecting informations through the app
✔️ prop-types // used to document the intended types of properties passed to components
✔️ immer // allows create the next immutable state by mutating the current one
✔️ react-native-vector-icons // icons for react-native

Development dependencies:

✔️ eslint // allows find and fix problems in your JavaScript code
✔️ prettier // code formatter, makes code prettier

💻 Getting Started - Running on your machine

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.

☑️ Prerequisites

Check the backend repository and follow the steps to run this project as well.

🛠️ Installing

Now follow the bellow steps to run project on your machine:

1. Clone this repo using git clone https://github.com/gabrielbarth/mobile-goBarber.
2. Move to the appropriate directory: cd mobile-goBarber.
3. Run yarn to install dependencies.
4. Now consider running the follow commands to ports redirect: adb reverse tcp:9090 tcp:9090 (for using reactotron),adb reverse tcp:3333 tcp:3333 and adb reverse tcp:8181 tcp:8181 (for physical device)
6. Run react-native run-android and after react-native start to run the app on your device or simulator.

💡 🤝 Contributing

Please feel free to contributing and submitting pull requests.

🙏 Acknowledgments

  • Rocketseat team
  • Rocketseat community

🤔 Any question?

Contact me on my social medias:
Discord (gabrielbarth1#0492)
Or send me an email 📨: gabrielbarth.dev@gmail.com.

Made with ♥ by Gabriel Barth