
Experimental study on team formation problem.

Primary LanguageC++

This repository contains the codes for 20 algorithms that introduced in the past years papers.

For each program, please the change const "PATH" the the directory that contains all the shortest paths from one vertex to another.

For some special programs, const "SKILLPATH" stands for the directory that contains all the path from a skill to every vertex in the graph, for details please refer to the paper in 2009[1].

Each code needs to point out the path of the author-coauthor relationship file and the skill-author inverted index file. For some particular programs which involed capacity or cost function need to assign the path to the capacity and cost file.

In the cost-based algorithms implemented programs, the cost funciton maybe need to be rewritten to nomalize the cost to different scale or different calculation method.

Followings are the mappings between papers and code file names:

"Finding a team of experts in social networks"[1] : rarest_first.cpp, CoverSteiner.cpp, HenceSteiner.cpp, GreedyCover.cpp, GreedyDiameter.cpp, GreedyMST.cpp;

"Discovering top-k teams of experts with/without a leader in social networks"[2]: FindBestWO.cpp, FindBestWLeader.cpp, FindBestKWO.cpp

"Capacitated team formation problem on social networks"[3]: MinDiamSol.cpp, MinDiamSol.cpp, MinMaxSol.cpp

"Online team formation in social networks"[4]: WWW2012_SC.cpp, WWW2012_LLT.cpp, WWW2012_SC.cpp

"Efficient bi-objective team formation in social networks"[5]: Approx.cpp, Replace.cpp, MCC.cpp, MCC-Rare.cpp, Random.cpp

[1] T. Lappas, K. Liu, and E. Terzi. Finding a team of experts in social networks. In SIGKDD, pages 467-476. ACM, 2009. 
[2] M. Kargar and A. An. Discovering top-k teams of experts with/without a leader in social networks. In CIKM, pages 985-994. ACM, 2011.
[3] A. Majumder, S. Datta, and K. Naidu. Capacitated team formation problem on social networks. In SIGKDD, pages 1005¨C1013. ACM, 2012.
[4] A. Anagnostopoulos, L. Becchetti, C. Castillo, A. Gionis, and S. Leonardi. Online team formation in social networks. In WWW, pages 839-848. ACM, 2012
[5] M. Kargar, A. An, and M. Zihayat. Efficient bi-objective team formation in social networks. In ECMLPKDD, pages 483-498. Springer, 2012.