
Calyptia Cloud CLI

Primary LanguageGo

Calyptia Cloud CLI

CI Codecov

This CLI interacts with the Calyptia Cloud service using the API Client. Futher documentation on how to use the CLI can be found on Calyptia Docs.

Build instructions

go mod download
go build ./cmd/calyptia


You can get the latest release artifacts for the major operating systems at the Releases page.

Alternatively, you can use Brew:

brew tap calyptia/tap
brew install calyptia

You can even install latest from main branch using Go:

go install github.com/calyptia/cli/cmd/calyptia@latest


The first command you would want to run is config set_token otherwise you will have to always pass --token around.

Get a token (API key) from cloud.calyptia.com.

calyptia config set_token TOKEN

Alternatively, you can set the CALYPTIA_CLOUD_TOKEN environment variable or pass the token on each command, as an example:

calyptia get members --token TOKEN


Calyptia Cloud CLI

  calyptia [command]

Available Commands:
  completion  Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  config      Configure Calyptia CLI
  create      Create core instances, pipelines, etc.
  delete      Delete core instances, pipelines, etc.
  get         Display one or many resources
  help        Help about any command
  rollout     Rollout resources to previous versions
  top         Display metrics
  update      Update core instances, pipelines, etc.

      --cloud-url string   Calyptia Cloud URL (default "https://cloud-api.calyptia.com")
  -h, --help               help for calyptia
      --token string       Calyptia Cloud Project token
  -v, --version            version for calyptia

Use "calyptia [command] --help" for more information about a command.