
Full Stack Ecommerce AliExpress. Nuxt 3 Vue js Tailwind CSS Supabase Prisma

Primary LanguageVue

AliExpress Clone

Learn how to build this!

If you'd like a step by step guide on how to build this just CLICK THE IMAGE BELOW

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App Setup (localhost)

git clone https://github.com/gabrielcaiana/aliexpress-nuxt3.git

cp .env.example .env

npm i

npx prisma generate

npm run dev

You'll have to setup a Supabase account & Stripe account, then add all of the details in to your .env file.

Once you've connected your application to Supabase. You'll also need to setup the Auth Providers: Google Google Github Github


Now run the command to migrate your database tables and run your seed file.

npx prisma migrate dev --name init

You should be good to go! If you need any more help, take a look at the tutorial video by clicking the image above.

Application Images