Programming Language Specification:


The language described is a 3D Esolang, similar to ARGH. Its execution space is a 3D grid where instructions are executed based on the current direction of the instruction pointer and its location within the grid. This language interacts with a stack, and the grid can be thought of as both the program and memory.

Basic Concepts:

  1. State (3D grid): The execution space.
  2. Instruction Pointer (IP): Points to the current cell in the state that is being executed. The IP moves in a specific direction.
  3. Instruction Direction: Defines the direction in which the IP should move after executing an instruction.
  4. Stack: A Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) data structure used to store and manipulate values.


Data Manipulation:

  1. A: Add the value of the cell above the current cell to the value on top of the stack.
  2. a: Add the value of the cell below the current cell to the value on top of the stack.
  3. D: Delete (pop) the top value off the stack.
  4. d: Duplicate the top value on the stack.
  5. F: Fetch (pop) the value from the top of the stack and store it in the cell above.
  6. f: Fetch (pop) the value from the top of the stack and store it in the cell below.
  7. G: Get one byte from stdin and store it in the cell above the IP.
  8. g: Get one byte from stdin and store it in the cell below the IP.
  9. R: Reduce the value on top of the stack by the value of the cell above.
  10. r: Reduce the value on top of the stack by the value of the cell below.
  11. S: Store (push) the value of the cell above the current cell onto the stack.
  12. s: Store (push) the value of the cell below the current cell onto the stack.


  1. P: Send the value in the cell above the current cell to stdout.
  2. p: Send the value in the cell below the current cell to stdout.

Control Flow:

  1. H: Jump (move IP) left to the next cell whose value matches the value on top of the stack and set the execution direction to left.
  2. h: Set the execution direction to left.
  3. J: Jump down to the next cell whose value matches the value on top of the stack and set the execution direction to down.
  4. j: Set the execution direction to down.
  5. K: Jump up to the next cell whose value matches the value on top of the stack and set the execution direction to up.
  6. k: Set the execution direction to up.
  7. L: Jump right to the next cell whose value matches the value on top of the stack and set the execution direction to right.
  8. l: Set the execution direction to right.
  9. W: Jump in the positive z-direction to the next cell whose value matches the value on top of the stack and set the execution direction to positive z.
  10. w: Set the execution direction to positive z.
  11. E: Jump in the negative z-direction to the next cell whose value matches the value on top of the stack and set the execution direction to negative z.
  12. e: Set the execution direction to negative z.
  13. X: If the value on top of the stack is negative, turn the execution direction 90 degrees to the left.
  14. x: If the value on top of the stack is positive, turn the execution direction 90 degrees to the right.
  15. q: Quit/end program execution.


  1. #: Behaves like j but only if its position in the code/data array is (0,0) and only if there's a ! in the cell on its right side.

To run

  1. Install raylib
  2. Open 3d-programming-language/d3argh/rayLibArgh /rayLibArgh in Visual Studio and run rayLibArgh.cpp

.3D file format

Program Structure for the 3D Language:

  1. Initialization:

This specifies the size of the grid. In the provided example, it's 4,4,4.

  1. Program Body: The program body consists of a series of layers (in this example, four layers). Each layer consists of rows and each row consists of cells, similar to a 3D matrix or tensor.
  • Each cell contains either a command, a number, or a space (interpreted as a null operation).
  • Commands are executed based on the current cell's position and contents.
  1. Delimiter:

This separates each layer. It’s essential for distinguishing between the layers of the 3D matrix.


  1. Dimension Declaration: Start the program with the Size() function, followed by the grid's dimensions.

  2. Layered Structure: Always ensure the program is structured in layers, separated by the delimiter -----.

  3. Consistent Dimensions: Ensure that the number of rows and cells in each row is consistent with the declared dimensions.

  4. Commands and Numbers: Use commands and numbers within cells to carry out operations. The exact semantics of each command would need further clarification.

  5. Whitespace: Utilize spaces for null operations or placeholders. This helps maintain the grid's shape when not all cells in a row have operations.

  6. End of File: The program concludes when all layers are defined, and no additional delimiters are required after the last layer.

Example Program

A simple accumulator looks as follows

1 0j,
w  A,
w  d,