Natural Language Terminal

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Project Overview

This project is a terminal that is controlled with natural language. It supports both keyboard and voice input. Bash commands are generated by an OpenAI model and are executed locally after validation.

To get project running on other operating systems:

  • (Note: best support for os's are on mac and linux)
  • Clone repo
  • "cd natural-language-shell/frontend/natural_language_shell/cppCode/"
  • Run "cmake ." and "make" in the shellApi sub directory (you may need to install cmake or make)
    • whisper speech to text integration only works on M1 Macs. If the microphone button doesn't work, dictation is not supported on your computer.
  • Install fluter on your system following these instructions.
  • Add {"key":"<your openai api key>"} to natural-language-shell/frontend/natural_language_shell/assets/keys/secret.json
  • Run flutter run in natural-language-shell/frontend/natural_language_shell

Core Components


  • The Frontend is built using Flutter.
  • Users enter the desired requirements of their bash command and submit it--either with the enter key or the application's enter button.
  • This is displayed as dialogue on the terminal and a response is generated below from the given prompt.


OpenAI API Requests

  • The natural language terminal relies on OpenAI's Davinci model to convert natural language into terminal commands.
  • After validating with the user that the command output meets their requirements, the command is routed to the terminal execution section of the backend.


  • The backend speech to text engine runs on a C++ whisper implementation found here.

C++ Terminal Command Execution

  • This component of the backend is responsible for executing the bash commands generated by the OpenAI model. It consists of a simple C++ shell written by us.

Project Challenges

  • Flutter uses a foreign function interface to interact with the C++ backend. Setting this up with the necessary C++ libraries took a bit of time.

Demo Commands

Run these commands in the terminal to get their equivalent bash form.

Natural Language Prompts

  • List the contents of the home directory
  • Find any files or folders related to ssl
  • Show the permissions of the files in the current directory
  • Generate a random password

Generated Bash Commands and Sample Outputs

  • ls ~
    • android-sdk-linux
    • flutter
  • find / -name "*ssl*"
    • /usr/share/perl-openssl-defaults/perl-openssl.make
    • /usr/bin/rsync-ssl
    • /usr/bin/dh_perl_openssl
    • /usr/bin/openssl
    • /var/lib/dpkg/info/libssl3:amd64.symbols
  • ls -l
    • -rw-r--r-- 1 vscode vscode 643 Feb 5 11:08 Installation.txt
    • -rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Feb 4 17:41
    • -rw-r--r-- 1 vscode vscode 106521876 Feb 4 22:01 httplib.h.gch
    • -rw-r--r-- 1 vscode vscode 907858 Feb 5 12:03 json.hpp
  • tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 < /dev/urandom | head -c 16
    • rX4Bs1u6MvJQdXg1

Future Improvements

  • Use a locally runnable LLM like LaMMa.cpp to do NLP tasks.
  • To improve overall model performance, we could generate training data for bash commands and their natural language description. This would be used with OpenAI's Fine-Tuning feature or a LaMMa fine tune to concentrate our model on terminal command generation.
  • Create a more cohesive experience where commands are automatically explained and UI is easier to understand.