
Driedfruits-shopper helps you place collaborative orders on Driedfruits

Primary LanguagePython

Driedfruits-shopper helps you place collaborative orders on Driedfruits


You can share a file with your friends where they can write what they want to buy by specifying the quantity and the link. After that, one of you can add all the products in the cart automatically and place the order.


The script was tested only on Linux and it is assumed you have Python 3+ already installed.

$ virtualenv venv

$ source venv/bin/activate

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

How to use:

./order.py [email] [password] [products].


./order.py John.Doe@example.com password products.txt

Obs: The fortmat of products file is: [quantity_1] [product_link_1]


3 https://driedfruits.ro/index.php?_route_=quinoa-alba-500g-

1 https://driedfruits.ro/index.php?_route_=caju-crud-500-g-