
Estudos do laracast

Primary LanguagePHP


CREATE DATABASE forum COLLATE 'utf8_general_ci';
docker exec -it lamp-php74 bash
docker exec -it lamp-php74 php artisan 
docker exec -it lamp-php74 cd blog && php artisan migrate
php artisan config:cache
php artisan migrate

php artisan make:model Reply -mc


  1. Thread
  2. Reply
  3. Users

A. Thread is created by a user B. A Reply belongs to a thread, and belongs to a users.code

php artisan tinker
factory('App\Thread', 50)->create()

php artisan tinker $threads = factory('App\Thread', 50)->create(); $threads->each(function($thread){ factory('App\Reply', 10)->create(['thread_id' => $thread->id]); });

docker exec -it lamp-php74 bash
cd blog
php ./vendor/bin/phpunit
php artisan config:cache
php artisan config:clear
php artisan migrate:refresh 
php artisan migrate:refresh --seed
php artisan tinker
$threads = factory('App\Thread', 50)->create();
$threads->each(function($thread){ factory('App\Reply', 10)->create(['thread_id' => $thread->id]); });

php artisan config:cache php artisan config:clear

php artisan key:generate  

Caso tenha erro de permissão (normalmente ocorre em linux)

Fix permission in storage

chmod -R o+w storage