
Get more info about the speed of your test suite.

It works with pytest-xdist too.


You can install "pytest-extra-durations" via pip:

pip install pytest-extra-durations


This plugin provides three types of information.

The sum of all tests/setup/teardown durations

This can give you more info than the total time displayed by pytest because it's not influenced by the number of workers in pytest-dist, or the collection time.


============== Sum of all tests durations ===============

This will be displayed all the time and can't be turned off unless you uninstall this plugin.

The sum of all the tests durations of a module

This will tell you how much time it took to execute all the tests in a given file. The API is similar to the one of --durations in the Pytest CLI.

pytest --modules-durations=4 ./path/to/test/directory


=============== slowest 4 modules durations =============
1.17s tensorflow_addons/activations/tests/
0.28s tensorflow_addons/activations/tests/
0.10s tensorflow_addons/activations/tests/
0.09s tensorflow_addons/activations/tests/

The sum of all the tests durations of a test function

A test function can produce multiple tests, that can be executed on different workers too. This will sum the durations of all tests, setups and teardown produced by a single test function, and report the slower ones.

The API is similar to the one of --durations in the Pytest CLI.

pytest --functions-durations=4 ./path/to/test/directory


============ slowest test functions =============
0.99s tensorflow_addons/activations/tests/
0.17s tensorflow_addons/activations/tests/
0.09s tensorflow_addons/activations/tests/
0.08s tensorflow_addons/activations/tests/
0.08s tensorflow_addons/activations/tests/


  • Integration with line_profiler


Distributed under the terms of the MIT_ license, "pytest-extra-durations" is free and open source software