
This is a Kopokopo SDK wrapper to allow you to integrate Kopokopo API in net framework, .NetCore, NET5, NET6 and Net Standard projects.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


This is a Kopokopo SDK to allow you to integrate Kopokopo API in net framework, .NetCore, NET5, NET6 and Net Standard projects. Build status NuGet version (KopokopoSdk)

A .NET Standard Kopokopo API Helper Library for .NET Developers.

Supported Platforms

Platform .Net 6.0 .Net 5.0 .NET Core .NET Framework Mono Xamarin.iOS Xamarin.Android Xamarin.Mac UWP
Min. Version 6 5 2.0 4.6.1 5.4 10.14 8.0 3.8 10.0.16299


Note: This package is WIP. The capabilities of Kopokopo API will be reflected soon. Feel free to contribute!

  • Core functions
    • Create Webhook subscription
    • Validating webhook subscription
    • Receive Mpesa Payment Via Stkpush
    • Query incoming payments
    • Pay Recipients
    • Create payment
    • Query payment status
    • Polling
    • Transfer Accounts
    • Transaction SMS Notifications
  • Receiving Message (via Webhook)
    • Buy Goods Transaction Received
    • B2B Transaction Received
    • Merchant to merchant Transaction Received
    • Buy Goods Transaction Reversed
    • Settlement Transfer Completed
    • Customer Created


  • PackageManager: PM> Install-Package KopokopoSdk
  • DotNetCLI: > dotnet add package KopokopoSdk

Setting yourself for successful kopokopo integration

Before you proceed kindly aquaint yourself with Kopokopo Apis by going through the Docs in Kopokopo's developer portal if you like.

  1. Obtain ClientId and ClientSecret (for Mpesa Stk Push Online APIs) from Kopokopo Dev portal.

  2. Ensure your project is running on the minimun supported versions of .Net

  3. KopokopoSdk is dependency injection (DI) friendly and can be readily injected into your classes. You can read more on DI in Asp.Net core here. If you can't use DI you can always manually create a new instance of KopokopoClient and pass in an httpClient instance in it's constructor. eg.

// When Dependency Injection is not possible...

//create httpclient instance
var httpClient = new HttpClient();

httpClient.BaseAddress = KopokopoRequestEndPoint.SandboxBaseAddress; //Use KopokopoRequestEndPoint.LiveBaseAddress in production
//create Kopokopo API client instance
var kopokopoClient = new KopokopoClient(httpClient); //make sure to pass httpclient intance as an argument

I would recommend creating KopokopoClient using Dependency Injection. [Optional] You can use any IOC container or Microsoft DI container in your legacy projects.

// Adding Dependency Injection into legacy projects

public static IServiceProvider ServiceProvider;

// To be used in the main application startup method
void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
  var hostBuilder = new HostBuilder();
  var host = hostBuilder.Build();

  ServiceProvider = host.Services;

void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
   services.AddHttpClient<IKopokopoClient, KopokopoClient>(options => options.BaseAddress = KopokopoRequestEndPoint.SandboxBaseAddress);
   //inject services here

Registering KopokopoClient & Set the BaseAddress -Dependency Injection Method in ASPNETCORE

  • Install KopokopoSdk Project via Nuget Package Manager Console or Nuget Package Manager GUI.

For ASPNETCORE projects

  • In Startup.cs add the namespace...
using KopokopoSdk;
  • Inside ConfigureServices method add the following
services.Configure<KopokopoApiConfiguration>(options =>
services.AddHttpClient<IKopokopoClient, KopokopoClient>(options => options.BaseAddress = KopokopoRequestEndPoint.SandboxBaseAddress);

OR using KopokopoSDK Extension

using KopokopoSdk.Extensions;
  • Inside ConfigureServices method add the following
services.Configure<KopokopoApiConfiguration>(options =>

Use KopokopoRequestEndPoint.LiveBaseAddress as base address/base url in production. You can do an environment check using the IHostingEnvironment property in asp.net core.

  • Once the KopokopoClient is registered, you can pass it and use it in your classes to make API calls to Kopokopo Server as follows;
using KopokopoSdk; //Add KopokopoSdk namespace
public class PaymentsController
	private readonly IKopokopoClient _kopokopoClient;
	public PaymentsController(IKopokopoCleint kopokopoClient)
		_kopokopoClient = kopokopoClient;
	//code omitted for brevity

Requesting for the Accesstoken

kopokopo APIs require authorization to use the APIs. The accesstoken (auth token) has to be used with each api call. The accesstoken expire after an hour so it is recommended that you use a caching strategy to refresh the token after every hour or less depending on how much traffic your site has.

  • To get an accesstoken, invoke the kopokopoClient..GetOAuthTokenAsync(*args); method. You have to await the Async call. use Non-Async method call provided if you cannot leverage async.
//Async Method
KopokopoApplicationAuthorizationRequest kopokopoApplicationAuthorizationRequest = new KopokopoApplicationAuthorizationRequest();
kopokopoApplicationAuthorizationRequest.ClientId = _kopokopoApiConfiguration.ClientId;
kopokopoApplicationAuthorizationRequest.ClientSecret = _kopokopoApiConfiguration.ClientSecret;
var accesstoken = await _kopokopoClient..GetOAuthTokenAsync(kopokopoApplicationAuthorizationRequest, KopokopoRequestEndpoint.OAuthToken);

Note that you have to pass in a ClientId, ClientSecret provided by Kopokopo.

Create Webhook subscription Request

WebhookSubscriptionRequest webhookSubscriptionRequest = new WebhookSubscriptionRequest();
webhookSubscriptionRequest.EventType = "event_type";
webhookSubscriptionRequest.Url = "callback_url";
webhookSubscriptionRequest.Scope = "scope"; // till or company
webhookSubscriptionRequest.ScopeReference = "reference"; // till number 

var results = await _kopokopoClient.CreateWebhookSubscriptionAsync(webhookSubscriptionRequest, await RetrieveAccessToken(), KopokopoRequestEndpoint.CreateWebHookSubscription);

Validating webhook

Request.Headers.TryGetValue("X-KopoKopo-Signature", out StringValues kopokopoSignature);

if (WebhookSignatureUtil.ValidateKopokopoSignature(RequestBody, _kopokopoApiConfiguration.ApiKey, kopokopoSignature))
    return Ok();
    return BadRequest();

Mpesa Payments STKPush

MpesaPaymentRequest mpesaPaymentRequest = new MpesaPaymentRequest();
mpesaPaymentRequest.PaymentChannel = stkPushViewModel.PaymentChannel;
mpesaPaymentRequest.TillNumber = stkPushViewModel.TillNumber;
mpesaPaymentRequest.Subscriber = new Subscriber();
mpesaPaymentRequest.Subscriber.FirstName = stkPushViewModel.FirstName;
mpesaPaymentRequest.Subscriber.LastName = stkPushViewModel.LastName;
mpesaPaymentRequest.Subscriber.PhoneNumber = stkPushViewModel.PhoneNumber;
mpesaPaymentRequest.Subscriber.Email = stkPushViewModel.Email;
mpesaPaymentRequest.Amount = new MpesaPaymentAmount();
mpesaPaymentRequest.Amount.Currency = stkPushViewModel.Currency;
mpesaPaymentRequest.Amount.Value = stkPushViewModel.Amount;
mpesaPaymentRequest.Links = new Links();
mpesaPaymentRequest.Links.CallbackUrl = stkPushViewModel.CallbackUrl;

var results = await _kopokopoClient.ReceiveMpesaPaymentAsync(mpesaPaymentRequest, await RetrieveAccessToken(), KopokopoRequestEndpoint.ReceiveMpesaPaymentsViaStk);

Error handling

KopokopoClient Throws KopokopoApiException whenever A 200 status code is not returned. It is your role as the developer to catch the exception and continue processing in your aplication. Snippet below shows how you can catch the KopokopoApiException.

using KopokopoSdk.Exceptions; // add this to you class or namespace

	return await _kopokopoClient.ReceiveMpesaPaymentAsync(mpesaPaymentRequest, await RetrieveAccessToken(), KopokopoRequestEndpoint.ReceiveMpesaPaymentsViaStk);
catch (KopokopoApiException e)
	_logger.LogError(ex, ex.Message);