
Java servlet, JSP, JSTL, db derby, JavaFilter, pattern MVC

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Bonadiman Gabriele & Munarini Stefano

Develop a student’s blog where it is possible exchange ideas, school information and educational material. Follow other informations.


This project was build with JAVA Servlet and JSP using MVC as architectural pattern. The entire project i shouted in GlassFish server v4.0 with Derby database.


JSTL: Allow to manage JSP data without JAVA. accordingly to have html cleaner GSON: Create and edit JSON objects, used in admin table JQUERY: Front-end effects


Relational Database with minimal structure and few relations.

UTENTI (id,username,password,email,avatar,tipo_utente,data_time)
POSTS (id, testo, utente*, gruppo*,date_time,file)
GRUPPI (id, nome, data_creazione, flag, proprietario*,stato)
GRUPPIUTENTE(id, utente*, gruppo*)
INVITI (id,utente*,gruppo*,stato)


This is the project’s architecture (according to MVC pattern). We decided to use different packages com.secondoProgetto to separate Models, View and Controller each other.

Controller Contains the Servlet files as Controller. These create the Models (Beans) and forward them to the View (JSP Page);

Database Contains a single class. From this, we create the connection to the database using web.xml params

Filters Contains the JavaFilter, mapped on web.xml. These filters are mapped from name, class and url. URL indicates which are the target servlet

Listener Contains one class: ContextListener.

Model Contains JAVA classes which mapping all relational data.

Services All the classes used to connect to database method

Servlet Control Servlet. Their role is query database as CRUD service.


There are four main filters into the project, each with a specific function.

FILE 		Avoid the non logged user to visit internal page
GRUPPO	If you are not in the group, you can not access to the material
MOD	 	If you are not admin, you can not manage groups
SESSION 	Control if user is logged.