
This program simulates the game of Battleship. The game was created with C. Since it's a two player game between a user vs the computer, there is some implementation of AI. Will be focusing more on revising the AI on this.

Primary LanguageC


IMPORTANT: Any student submitting the codes as their own is an act of plaigarism and is a violation of Washington State University's "Student Honor's Code". The intention of me posting my programs is for collaboration and to hear feedbacks on possible improvements on the coding. This code repository also serves as my code portfolio and its purpose is for future employers to examine my coding skills. Please reference if you use part of the code and DO NOT PLAGIARIZE. "Academic Dishonesty" falls under the Standards of Conduct for Students.

This program simulates the game of Battleship. The game was created with C. Since it's a two player game between a user vs the computer, there is some implementation of AI. Will be focusing more on revising the AI on this.