
Ingegneria del Software videogame project held at Politecnico di Milano (a.y. 2020/2021)

Primary LanguageJava

Masters of Renaissance - IngSw 2021 final test

Masters of Renaissance, a family strategy game for 1-4 players in the acclaimed world of Lorenzo il Magnifico, is the final test of "Software Engineering" course at Politecnico di Milano (2020/2021).

Teacher: Pierluigi San Pietro

Final Score: 30/30

Group members:

Implemented Functionalities

Functionality Status
Basic rules GREEN
Complete rules GREEN
Socket GREEN
Multiple games GREEN
Resilience to disconnections GREEN
Parameters editor RED
Local game RED
Persistence RED


GREEN Implemented     RED Not Implemented


cli gui


Tool Description
Intellij IDE
Astah UML UML Diagrams
Maven Project Management
JUnit 5 Testing


To run the jars you need at least JRE version 11. Check Oracle's download page for more info.

In deliveries/jar folder there are three jar files. Here's how to run the provided jars:

  • server.jar
     > java -jar server.jar [-p PORT_NUMBER]
    • port_number specifies the port where the server will be hosted (port 50000 used if no port has been specified)
  • cli.jar
     > java -jar cli.jar [-ip SERVER_IP] [-p PORT_NUMBER]
    • server_ip specifies the server ip address (localhost if no ip has been specified)
    • port_number specifies the server port (port 50000 used if no port has been specified)
    • It is recommended to use Linux shell to run the cli.jar due to incorrect Unicode printing in Windows' shell
    • For Windows users it is possible to run the jar from Intellij IDE. However, some special symbols won't be displayed
  • gui.jar
    > java -jar gui.jar
    • It is recommended to run the gui.jar from Windows' shell with a FullHD screen resolution