System dependencies


  1. Clone the project repository and access it:
    $ git clone && cd sales-operation-challenge
  1. Inside project directory run bundle install in order to fetch all remote sources, resolve dependencies and install all needed gems:
    $ bundle install
  1. Copy the content of the environment variables sample file and change it with your Google Credentials app info:
    $ cp .env.example .env
  1. Set a database.yml file with your credentials. There is a sample file on project. Copy it with:
    cp config/database.yml.sample config/database.yml
  1. Setup database:
    $ bin/rails db:setup
  1. Start the Rails app with foreman:
    $ foreman start

Sales Manager System - Usage

  • When start navigating on system user must login with a Google Account.
  • On /sales_reports page user can import new sales report files and check their respective info.
  • To see all sales that were imported on a specfic report user should click on view link on sales reports table. This will redirect system to /sales_reports/(:id).
  • /sales page lists all sales imported on system via sales report files by user.

Future Jobs

  • Use Action Cable to real time update sales report status as they are processed on background jobs.
  • Improve front-end, especially on sales reports file upload input form.


This repository was created to solve the problem described here.