
crabby command-line tools

Primary LanguageRust

rustic-toolz 🦀 🛠 🔐 ⚡️ ✨



"Unit" Testing

cargo test

"End-to-end" Testing

make test


cargo build --release


cargo build --release
cp target/release/slugify-filenames /usr/local/bin/
cp target/release/aes-256-cbc /usr/local/bin/

Command-line tools


Slugifies a list of files or glob.

    slugify-filenames [FLAGS] [target]...

    -i, --case-insensitive    match glob case insensitive
    -n, --dry-run
    -h, --help                Prints help information
    -D, --include-hidden      include hidden files
    -r, --recursive           recurse directories
    -s, --silent
    -V, --version             Prints version information
    -v, --verbose

    <target>...    a glob pattern [default: *]


  • Performs aes-256-cbc encryption and decryption.
  • PBKDF2 HMAC 256 for password-based key derivation with configurable number of cycles.

Example YAML configuration


Configure PBKDF2 iteration count for each key material type to custom numbers. Higher numbers means that keys will take longer to generate and are safer.

  key: 500
  salt: 300
  iv: 1200

NOTE: Keys created with a different combination of cycles cannot be derived again.

Generating a key file based on password

This step is optional if you want to provide a password in every encryption/decryption process.

-k or --key-filename

Path to the key file where the key file will be stored.

-p or --ask-password

Input the password safely with confirmation

-P or --password <password>

Input the password as command-line argument.

aes-256-cbc generate \
    --key-filename ~/.personal-aes-key.yml \


aes-256-cbc encrypt

-k or --key-filename

Path to the key file where the key file used for encryption. Required unless --ask-password is used.

-p or --ask-password

Input the encryption password safely with confirmation. Required unless --password is used.

-P or --password <password>

Input the encryption password as command-line argument. Required unless --key-filename is used.

-i or --input-filename <filename>

The plaintext file

-o or --output-filename <filename>

The file where the encrypted (cyphertext) will be stored. (pass the same as the input filename to replace the file)

Example: Encrypting file using password
aes-256-cbc encrypt \
    --password 'I <3 Nickelback XOXO' \
    --input-filename=Cargo.toml --output-filename=Cargo.toml.aes


Example: Decrypting file using password
aes-256-cbc decrypt \
    --password 'I <3 Nickelback XOXO'  \
    --input-filename=Cargo.toml.aes --output-filename=Cargo.toml


Example: encrypt file using pre-generated key
aes-256-cbc encrypt \
    --key-filename ~/.personal-aes-key.yml \
    --input-filename=Cargo.toml --output-filename=Cargo.toml.aes


Example: Decrypting file using a key file

-k or --key-filename

Path to the key file where the key file used for decryption. Required unless --ask-password is used.

-p or --ask-password

Input the decryption password safely with confirmation. Required unless --password is used.

-P or --password <password>

Input the decryption password as command-line argument. Required unless --key-filename is used.

-i or --input-filename <filename>

The encrypted (cyphertext) file to be decrypted

-o or --output-filename <filename>

The file where the decrypted (plaintext) will be stored. (pass the same as the input filename to replace the file)

aes-256-cbc decrypt \
    --key-filename ~/.personal-aes-key.yml \
    --input-filename=Cargo.toml.aes --output-filename=Cargo.toml
