Python 2.7
Python 3.6
Runtime-level Signal System for python.
declare an event
from speakers import Speaker
after = Speaker('after', ['getting_sql_results'])
declare as many listeners as you want
def print_results(event, results):
print "Doing query results"
for r in results:
print "Query result", r
emit the event
results = ['res1', 'res2', 'res3']
A little history
One of the most efficient ways to extend a piece of software is to use a signal system.
Imagine the components of a software architecture as being students in a school, and the school being a framework.
Speakers throughout the school facilities emit alerts to the students so they know if one of them has to stop doing what is doing to actually go to the principal's room.
Speakers has emerged from markment's but was slightly copied from lettuce's codebase.