

According to the research and tests documented in repo https://github.com/gabrielfaleiro/lxc-haos-vm, Home Assistant is not a simple tool to virtualize. The most complete installation, to enjoy every functionality, must be performed by the provided operating system.

Other points to move from home assistante:

  • Node-RED is the more capable way of implementing complex automations. It is not easily scalable and maintainable for advanced users.
  • SONOFF integration is not straigth forward.

Thus, OpenHAB is going to be validated.




There is not a snap build for handling a openvpn client connection.

Snap easy-openvpn seems to be a server openvpn implementation: https://gist.github.com/popey/60f9f3b99c31ba120f0ae7ca140bc73e

OpenVPN client installation: https://openvpn.net/cloud-docs/openvpn-3-client-for-linux/?_ga=2.181589601.777374592.1670254755-1715325116.1670254755

Setup on boot: https://openvpn.net/blog/openvpn-3-linux-and-auth-user-pass/