
This repo contains a low power wifi communication iot device code based on the Wemos D1 mini board.

Primary LanguageC++


This repo contains a low power wifi communication iot device code based on the Wemos D1 mini board.

Development IDE - Platform IO


Set-up IDE: https://docs.platformio.org/en/latest/integration/ide/vscode.html#quick-start

Linux fix USB permission error: https://community.platformio.org/t/usb-permissions-error/856

  • sudo adduser <user_name> dialout
  • Reboot computer

Design decisions

  • For powering the Board from a set of batteries, they shall be connected to the 5V pin of the board. It has the ME6211 integrated circuit, which outputs 3.3V when input ranges 3V to 6V.
  • Deep sleep mode:
    • RST must be set to LOW value for waking up the micro again. Only the 33.V -> 0V transition triggers the wake up of the micro.
    • D0 pin shall be connected to RST pin for auto reboot.
  • Reed switch
    • Shall be connected to pin RST. Ground signal must be send to RST for wake up.
  • MQTT Client
  • Power consumptions
    • Deep Sleep: 0.6mA
    • Sending MQTT messages: <80mA (70-80mA)


in normal and deep sleep operations

  • Use internal permanent memory for credentials
  • Create a wifi hotspot and a webserver when a valid configuration is not found.
    • How can this be forced for reconfiguration?
  • Attach a temperature and humidity sensors