Family Album
The idea is to use an "old" tablet (galaxy tab) as a Digital Photo Frame, but in a way where is possible to my family send pictures and them will be showed on my Digital Photo Frame.
Important point: I would like to do this on a more free-way (as in freedom) possible.
There are many roads to be walked down, so probably I will try some of them.
Road 1
General Idea
- Telegram bot written in Python to receive the pictures (
- The bot runs on Tab, using Pydroid (not libre :( )
- Use the Android Gallery to see the pictures
What has worked
- Bot runnint on android!
What hasn't worked
- Android Gallery doesn't update pictures list when in Slide Show mode
Road 2 - TBD
General Idea
- Same as Road 1, but using a different program to see pictures (may develop one using Android Studio)
Road 3 - TBD
General Idea
- Use telegram bot as Road 1
- Create a web application in python to show pictures
- Run everything on Android
Road 4 - TBD
General Idea
- Same as Road 4, but running on another device (computer, Raspiberry pi, remote server, ...)
- Android just access the address to see the pictures
Road 5 - TBD
General Idea
- Build a bot and a picture viewer using Android Studio