
A multi-room parallel chat using sockets in Go 🐹

Primary LanguageGo

Multi-Room Chat Application 💬

This project is a multithreaded, multi-room chat application built using sockets in Go. It is designed as a practical assignment for a computer network undergraduate course.

Features ✨

  • Multithreaded Server: The server is capable of handling multiple client connections simultaneously using goroutines.
  • Multi-Room Chat: Users can create and join multiple chat rooms.
  • Concurrent Clients: The client is designed to handle multiple messages concurrently, ensuring a smooth chat experience.

Prerequisites 📋

  • Go (version 1.15 or later)
  • A terminal or command prompt to run the server and client

Getting Started 🚀

Running the Server 🖥️

  1. Open a terminal or command prompt.

  2. Navigate to the server directory.

  3. Run the server using the following command:

    go run server

The server will start and listen for incoming client connections.

Running the Client 💻

  1. Open a terminal or command prompt.

  2. Navigate to the client directory.

  3. Create or modify the .env file in the client directory and add the SERVER_IPADDR variable with the IP address of the server:

  4. Run the client using the following command:

    go run client

The client will connect to the server, allowing you to join and participate in chat rooms.

Project Structure 🗂️

  • server/: Contains the server code and logic for handling client connections and chat rooms.
  • client/: Contains the client code for connecting to the server and interacting with chat rooms.

Usage 🛠️

Once the server and client are running:

  1. Enter your username
  2. Choose a room
  3. Start chatting!