
Primary LanguageJavaScript

# Introduction to JavaScript

## Heritage

* Nothing to do with Java, just a marketing ploy
* Around since 1995
* Object oriented
* Functional
* Owes credit to languages like Self, Lisp
* Uses prototypal inheritance versus classical inheritance

## Run-through

* typing
* assignment
* literals
* control structures
* functions
* exceptions
* objects
* prototypal inheritance
* classical inheritance

## Examples

* observer pattern with objects
* observer pattern with functions
* singleton pattern
* node.js http server

## Implementations

* v8 / node.js
* spidermonkey
* rhino

## Testing frameworks

* riot.js - http://github.com/alexyoung/riotjs
* qunit - http://docs.jquery.com/QUnit

## See also

http://oreilly.com/catalog/9780596517748 - JavaScript: The Good Parts