
Repository created for 2019/1 class.

Primary LanguageJava

Repository of Software Architecture Artefacts

This repository groups artefacts used in the software architecture module during the term 1/2019. This module is delivered to undergraduate students of computer science-related courses at Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Cornélio Procópio, Brazil.

As of this date, Dr. Gabriel Costa Silva is responsible for delivering the module.


Content in this repository is organised in folders. Each folder correspond to a lesson and groups a set of artefacts used in the respective lesson. This is the current content of this repository:


Students used projects in this folder for practicing the use of the Factory Method design pattern.


This project partially implements the example app we are using.


This project features a Derby DB partially configurated to 'Cliente' and 'Pais' tables. The project is also structured in a layered fashion. Students should implement a ClienteDAO including methods for all four CRUD operations.


This project shows example implementations of DAO for entity classes ClienteDTO and PaisDTO.


This project partially implements the Template Method design pattern for classes in the 'negocio' layer.


This project fully implements the Template Method design pattern for dao classes.


This project uses the Spring Boot framework and JPA in the DAO package.


This project shows several examples of mappings using JPA annotations. There is also two DAOs.


This project takes our example to the web by using html, bootstrap and freemarker technologies