
This is a simple nodejs API to control arduino pin ports

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Arduino Pin Control

Probably this readme have so much errors in English grammar because I am not much skilled in english language. So if you find any error, just contact me. =)

What is it?

  • This an API to control the pins of an arduino. It can be modded to suports another types of components as such some sensors or rgb leds.
  • The project can be easily moddified to add some features as authentication, or may be the backend of a React.js app.

What you need?

  • An arduino or microcontroller that is supported by node.js module Johnny-Five
  • A computer
  • Creativity

My Test Setup for this Repository

 Arduino with protoboard
  • An Arduino Uno

  • A protoboard

  • 1x 330ohm resistor

  • 1x Red Led

    To control this system, i have build a simple web page to check power and control the red led!

This simple static page is running on with this api at:


How to install it

Download it using

git clone https://github.com/gabrielgollo/arduino-pin-control-nodejs.git

Install modules using

npm i

How to use it

  • Configure the .env passing the pin port in the array. Example of passing the pin port 13:

      Arduino_Pins = ['13']
  • Make a request to http://localhost:3300/pinport/:pin/:mode , where :pin is equal to Pin Port and :mode is one of ['on', 'off', 'toggle']. Examples:

      http://localhost:3300/pinport/13/on  <-- This will power on the pinport 13
      http://localhost:3300/pinport/13/off  <-- This will power off the pinport 13

Just be creative and add anothers functions