
App to simulate ordering when using aggregate functions in SQL

Primary LanguageJava

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App to simulate ordering when using aggregate functions in SQL.

This Spring Boot application simulates the management of quotations, where each quotation has a list of products and groups. The application requires Java 17, uses a Gradle Wrapper, an H2 database, and Hibernate.


  • Java 17
  • Gradle Wrapper

Running the Application

To run the application, ensure you have Java 17 installed. If not, download it from Oracle's Official Website.

Upon setting up Java 17, follow these simple steps:

  1. Clone the repository to your computer.

  2. Open your terminal and navigate to the project root directory.

  3. Run the Spring Boot application using the Gradle Wrapper:

    ./gradlew bootRun

    Note: Windows users should use gradlew.bat instead of ./gradlew.

This command starts the application on port 8080 of your localhost.

API Endpoints

The application has the following endpoint:

GET /quotations - Retrieves all quotations, sorted by group and products. The products are sorted in ascending order and separated by commas. Access the endpoint at http://localhost:8080/quotations


The application comes with an H2 in-memory database. Hibernate, the ORM layer, enables interaction with the H2 database.


This application models a real-world scenario where quotations are linked to various products in different groups. The main components are Quotations and Products, with products organized by groups.

The "/quotations" endpoint displays all quotations, sorted by group and the products they contain. Products are listed in ascending orde and separated by commas.