
Chat app built with Meteor JS framework

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Meteor SuperChat

Smart package for SuperChat. Superchat is a chat that includes Social Login and Github Flavored Markdown.

Works with Meteor release and below only.

If you don't need persistence see SuperChat-Streams instead.


This package is much more behind than SuperChat-Streams. It presents some bugs that may be not corrected by me. I'm dedicated to the other package.



Mantained by CodersTV

This package is used and mantained by CodersTV


To install in a new project:

> mrt add superchat

To update an existing project:

> mrt update superchat

Quick Start

You need to configure at least one kind of account. Supported social plataforms now are:

  • Facebook
  • Google
  • Twitter (Twitter API v1.1 requires OAuth authenticated requests to get profile picture)

For example, with Google:

meteor add accounts-google
<template name="index">
  {{> chatroom}}


If you don't want to have a global chat for entire website, you can set a Path so you can have a different chat box for each Path you set. What's needed to do on javascript part is set a Path. Path is a reactive source of current page path (like window.location.pathname). So, whenever it changes, it must be updated calling Path.set(path)

Example with mini-pages

  '/': {to: 'index', before: setPath}

function setPath () {

Example with router

  '/': { to: 'index', and: setPath}

function setPath () {

Making height responsive

Template.parentTemplate.rendered = function() {
	$(window).resize(function () {
		var height = $(this).height(); // you can set a value you want here
	$(window).resize(); // trigger the resize