This is the first project for the Optilistic course.
- The smart contract is reusable; multiple projects can be registered and accept ETH concurrently.
- The goal is a preset amount of ETH.
- This cannot be changed after a project gets created.
- Regarding contributing:
- The contribute amount must be at least 0.01 ETH.
- There is no upper limit.
- Anyone can contribute to the project, including the creator.
- One address can contribute as many times as they like.
- Regarding tiers:
- There are three tiers.
- Bronze tier is granted to anyone contribution.
- Silver tier is granted to a total contribution of at least 0.25 ETH.
- Gold tier is granted to a total contribution of at least 1 ETH.
- Tiers should be granted immediately so other apps can read them.
- "Total contribution" is scoped per-project (like kickstarter).
- If the project is not fully funded within 30 days:
- The project goal is considered to have failed.
- No one can contribute anymore.
- Supporters get their money back.
- Tier grants are revoked.
- Once a project becomes fully funded:
- No one else can contribute (however, the last contribution can go over the goal).
- The creator can withdraw any percentage of contributed funds.
- The creator can choose to cancel their project before the 30 days are over, which has the same effect as a project failing.