
Second project for the optilistic bootcamp

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Space Coin ICO

Second project for the optilistic bootcamp.

An ICO with a 2% tax on every token transfer. A frontend to interact with it.

The frontend was done with react, which was probably an overkill but I wanted to try a more "real" workflow to see how everything worked.

Implemented some custom hooks too, useContract and useMetamaskAccount

Project extensions

  • In the frontend, show total contributed for each phase, total contributed overall, remaining available to contribute.
  • Extend the frontend to detect and show a different UI for the ICO contract owner so they can manage their contract

Running it

You can start the frontend by:

  • Add a .env file on the root of the project, and add the field PRIVATE_KEY
  • Set PRIVATE_KEY to your account's private key (so hardhat.config.js knows from which account to deploy)

Then running:

npm install
npx hardhat compile (generates the artifacts the frontend will use)
cd frontend
npm install
npm start


By default the frontend is connected to the deployed version on Rinkeby: 0xfb5C614E957162dDa1cb218002896CCC6CBCa249

If you'd like to change that:

  • In your env, set TREASURY_WALLET to the account that will receive the 2% tax
  • Run npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network rinkeby
  • You'll get the new contract's address in your console, change it at frontend/src/utils/index.js