Script to replace design system tokens in a project
- Clone the repository
- Execute npm install or yarn install
- Open the terminal in the replate-tokens-script folder
- Run the command: yarn replace {project-directory} Ex: yarn replace ../front-app-ehr/src
This script will iterate in the given folder and get all Vue paths, then it will iterate in paths replacing tokens for the new ones. The script will create a file.txt contain all the paths that were found
- Tip: Run lint --fix after replacements to fix lint spacing
Wonderland OLD 1.4.3 v1 latest => NEW v2.2.0
--gl-font-letter-spacing-rule-_ => --gl-letter-spacing-rule-_
--gl-font-line-height-_ => --gl-line-height-_
--gl-font-weight-thin => deleted
--gl-font-family-secondary => deleted
--gl-font-family-primary => --gl-font-family-base
--gl-border-radius-circle => deleted
DS v1
- colors
- borders
- opacity
- shadow
- font (letter-spacing, size, text-transform, weight)
Tokens that will NOT be replaced
--gl-shadows-level-- => --gl-shadow-level-*
--sys-color-surface-background-inverse => deleted
--sys-color-paring-* => deleted