The Wall App - Frontend

Backend Repo



In this project, users can create a new account, sign in or enter as a visitor. Users can create a post on a wall if they are logged, or just read the posts, if they aren't. This project was built using React, Tailwind CSS and Cypress.


To run this application, open the terminal in any directory of your choice and run the commands below:

  1. Clone the project
git clone
  1. Enter in project directory
cd wall-app-frontend
  1. Install project dependencies
npm install


yarn install

Environment Variables

  1. Create a .env file in project root and configure the environment variables.
  • if you want to use the production backend:
  • if you want to run the local backend:


This project uses cypress for testing. Cypress is an end-to-end testing tool.

  • To run the project tests, make sure your application is running at http://localhost:3000. If you want to change the application test url, change the key baseUrl in cypress.config.js to your application url.

  • Tests are isolated from backend in this project, so you can run without backend connection.

Running tests on terminal:

npm run cypress


yarn run cypress

Running tests using Cypress UI:

npm run cypress:open


yarn run cypress:open


Thank you TSL

  • I really liked to code this app.