
Amplify multi-account suggestion.

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

AWS Amplify Multi-account Angular Demo

AWS Architecture


  • Amplify CLI
  • NodeJS
  • Angular CLI

Getting Started

Creating Repository and First Amplify Push

  1. Create Amazon CodeCommit repository
  2. Create IAM developer user with access to repository and needed AWS resources (E.g.: Amplify, S3, API Gateway, Lambda, etc.)
  3. Create Amplify IAM user for the Amplify CLI and configure as AWS CLI profile
  4. Clone the repository
    git clone your-codecommit-repository
  5. Create dev branch
    git checkout -b dev
  6. Create a new Angular project
    cd your-codecommit-repository
    ng new demo-amplify --directory ./
  7. Install Amplify dependecies
    npm install aws-amplify aws-amplify-angular
  8. Init Angular project (this will be our Dev environment)
    amplify init
  9. Create build file at the project root dir. You can find the file amplify.yml at source/ folder
    version: 0.1
          - '# Execute Amplify CLI with the helper script'
          - amplifyPush --simple
          - npm ci
          - npm install -g @angular/cli
          - ng build
       baseDirectory: dist/demo-amplify
          - '**/*'
          - node_modules/**/*
  10. Test build and serve before pushing the code (if you find the error "Could not find plugin "proposal-numeric-separator"" try to install "@babel/compat-data": "~7.8.0", in devDependencies )
    ng build
    ng serve
  11. Push the first version
    git add .
    git commit -m "Initial commit"
    git push -u origin dev
    amplify push
  12. Go to the console https://console.aws.amazon.com/amplify/ and configure Frontend
  13. Restrict access for the Amplify Dev endpoint

Creating Stage Branch/Env

  1. Create Stage branch and initialize
    amplify env add
    git checkout -b stage
    amplify env checkout stage
    git push -u origin stage
    amplify push
  2. Go to the Amplify console and add the frontend environments with the respective branch
  3. Restrict access for the Amplify Stage endpoint
  4. Enable email notification

Adding Backend Resources and Merging Env

  1. Go to the Dev env and branch

    git checkout dev
    amplify env checkout dev
  2. Add authentication with Cognito

    amplify add auth


  3. Add storage with S3

    amplify add storage


  4. Push the backend

    amplify push
    git add .
    git commit -m "Backend resources"
    git push
  5. Let's modify some files to add functionality for our app (you can find all the ref files at source/ folder of this repository, just copy it to work)

    • When working with underlying aws-js-sdk, the “node” package should be included in types compiler option. Update your src/tsconfig.app.json
    • Import the configuration file and load it in main.ts
    • In your app module src/app/app.module.ts import the Amplify Module and Service
    • Modify your src/index.html, src/app/app.component.ts and src/app/app.component.html
  6. Test local

    ng build
    ng serve


  7. Push your new code

    git add .
    git commit -m "Added auth and storage features"
    git push
  8. Now, let's merge the dev branch in stage branch

    git checkout stage
    amplify env checkout stage
    git merge dev
    amplify push
  9. Try to upload a file without Auth. After, create a user and try to upload again (Check the Web Console to verify the results)

Multi Account Approach - Moving to Production Account

Actually (04/23/2020), Amplify not supports multi-account approach utilizing CodeCommit, but, if would like to utilize a multi account approach we work with CodeBuild as explained bellow:

Note: For other Git repositories you already can separate branch by account. For example, with GitHub.

  1. Creat amplify prod env
    amplify env add # utilizes an AWS CLI profile for production account
    git checkout master
    git merge stage
    amplify env checkout prod
    amplify hosting add
    git push origin master

Account A (Prod)

  1. Create an IAM Role with the Amplify policies (follow the reference Amplify Policy)
  2. Add the trust relationship with the Account B
       "Version": "2012-10-17",
       "Statement": [
             "Effect": "Allow",
             "Principal": {
             "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::<YOUR ACCOUNT B ID>:root"
             "Action": "sts:AssumeRole",
             "Condition": {}

Account B (Dev/Stages)

  1. Create an IAM Policy to assume Account A role
       "Version": "2012-10-17",
       "Statement": {
          "Effect": "Allow",
          "Action": "sts:AssumeRole",
          "Resource": "arn:aws:iam::<YOUR ACCOUNT A ID>:role/<PROD ROLE>"
  2. Create IAM role with CodeBuild access and attach the policy created in the last step
  3. Add the trust relationship with CodeBuild
       "Version": "2012-10-17",
       "Statement": [
             "Effect": "Allow",
             "Principal": {
             "Service": "codebuild.amazonaws.com"
             "Action": "sts:AssumeRole"
  4. Create the CodeBuild project with the role created in the step before and associate with the production CodeCommit branch
  5. Add the source/buildspec.yml file in your project (modify the account id in the file)
  6. Push the build settings and do the first prod deploy
    git checkout master
    amplify env checkout prod
    amplify publish
    git add .
    git commit -m "New CodeBuild file"
    git push origin master
  7. Verify the project with the S3 url (if you receive some 4XX error, you need to change the outputPath value in the angular.json to build in the right path)
  8. Create CodePipeline with CodeCommit as source and CodeBuild as build stage cicd
  9. Now you have a ci/cd pipeline multi-account with Amplify!

Developers Tips

  1. Creating Amplify profile:
    aws configure --profile amplify
  2. Cloning CodeCommit Repository using SSH:
     # Upload the public key in IAM - SSH keys for AWS CodeCommit;
     # Change the .ssh/config file
     # Host git-codecommit.*.amazonaws.com
     #    User <SSH key id>
     #    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa
     # Clone the repository
     git clone codecommit:/v1/repos/<repository>
  3. Sometimes when you run amplify remove some resources still in the account. Verify if the resource is deleted and if needed remove manually (E.g.: CloudFormation and S3 Bucket);
  4. Working with different environments: switching
