🍻 Pubman (Public Management)

Table of Contents


The aim of this project is to showcase my skills in developing Rails applications. It's a simple CRUD application but with some relevant features 🤓

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


What things you need to run the project.

  • Docker
  • docker-compose

The technologies involved in this project.

  • Docker (26.0.0)
  • docker-compose (2.26.1)
  • Postgres (16.X)
  • Elasticsearch (8.11.2)
  • Twilio (for sending sms messages)
  • Ruby (3.3.0)
  • Rails (7.1.3)


A step by step series of examples that tell you how to get a development env running.

Clone this repository

git clone git@github.com:gabrielmbarboza/pubman.git

Copy or create new files from files with the .sample extension and then replace the environment variables in .env directory.

cp app.sample app
cp database.sample database
cp twilio.sample twilio

Create and migrate the database.

docker compose run --rm pubman bin/rails db:create
docker compose run --rm pubman bin/rails db:migrate

or use only the task db:setup.

docker compose run --rm pubman bin/rails db:setup

Use the pubman:dev task to populate the development database with valid citiens.

docker compose run --rm pubman bin/rails pubman:dev

End with an example of getting some data out of the system or using it for a little demo.


Using Docker and docker-compose, just run the following command.

docker compose up

and access the following url in your broswer.


Use the following command to run all the tests.

$ docker compose run --rm pubman bin/rails test ./test


  • Create the integration, helpers and system tests.
  • Add drag and drop events to the show, create and edit window.
  • Fix the city selectbox in the edit window.