
Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


GitHub license npm version Bitbucket Pipeline Status PRs Welcome javascript front-end declarative ui library

shiva is a minimal JavaScript library for building user interfaces.


The aim of shiva is to use JavaScript to create HTML elements without templating. It abstracts the DOM JavaScript API for a declarative and easy to use syntax.

So instead of:

<div>Hi there πŸ‘‹</div>

shiva provides a function called div():

import { div } from "shiva";

const HTMLDivElement = div("Hi there πŸ‘‹");

This will create the same element as the html version.


Nested elements are easy to construct:

import { div } from "shiva";

const nestedHTMLDivElement = div(
    div("Hi there πŸ‘‹"),
    div("Hi there πŸ‘‹"),

This will produce:

    <div>Hi there πŸ‘‹</div>
    <div>Hi there πŸ‘‹</div>

shiva will append HTML elements if they are passed as an argument. It will set textContent on the element if a string is passed.


To pass attributes to an element:

import { div } from "shiva";

const handler = () => {
    console.log("handled it πŸ‘Š");

const superDiv = div("Hi there πŸ‘‹", { 
    onclick: handler,
    class: style,
    id: "Super Div πŸ¦Έβ€β™‚οΈ" 

shiva will apply attributes if an object is passed as one of the arguments.


shiva provides div(), img() and p() to create HTML elements. To create other HTML elements shiva provides a more generic element() function.

import { element } from "shiva";

const HTMLButtonElement = element("button", "Click me ⬇️");

Any HTML element, including custom elements, can be created.


Element functions like div() or element() take a HTML element as an argument for appending to themselves.

import { div } from "shiva";

const component = (title) => {
    return div(title); 
    // returns a HTMLDivElement

const divAndComponent = div(
    component("The TITLE")

This pattern can be used to build an application out of pieces, each component just needs to return a HTML element (or array of HTML elements).

Of course, component() can be imported from another file.


npm install shiva --save

shiva is distributed as an ES module. Please use a module aware build tool to import. See https://bitbucket.org/gabrielmccallin/shiva-site for an example of how to include shiva in a project.

Getting started

Create root element

To append a root element that all other elements will attach to:

import { div } from 'shiva';

const app = () => {
    div({ root: true }, 


This will append a HTMLElement <div> to the body of the page with componentA and componentB nested inside.

πŸ‘‰ componentA and componentB must return a HTML element or array of HTML elements to be appended to the parent.


shiva provides a very simple publish / subscribe utility.

pubsub() returns an array where the first element is the subscribe function and the second element is the publish function.

import { pubsub } from "shiva";

const [subscribe, publish] = pubsub([1, 2, 4, 5]);

subscribe(data => {
    // logs the value passed to publish()

// some time later
publish([6,7,9,12]); // logs [6,7,9,12]

Combined with updateElement(), this pattern can used to declare reactive behaviour. e.g.

import { div, updateElement } from "shiva";

const [subscribe, publish] = pubsub("starting data");

const list = div();

subscribe(data =>
        element: list,
        textContent: data

const clicker = div("click me!", {
    onclick: () => publish("new data")

This will update the textContent attribute of the list element with the string "new data" when the clicker element is clicked.

πŸ™‹ Of course, feel free to bring your own state management! Use updateElement() to re-render data at any time.

import { div, updateElement } from "shiva";

const list = div();

const clicker = div("click me!", {
    onclick: () => updateElement({ 
        element: list,
        textContent: data

This acheives the same; directly updating the list element when clicking clicker.


    initial?: any,
    reducer?: (current: any, next: any) => void

Initialise state with initial.

Run a function on new state with a reducer function. Can be used for more complex logic or when the next state depends on the previous one.

const reducer = (state, newState) => return state + newState;

const [subscribe, publish] = pubsub("DOGE", reducer);

subscribe(state => {

publish(" to the moon πŸš€"); // logs "DOGE to the moon πŸš€" 

Global store

Extending the publish / subscribe pattern across components creates a global store, useful if you don't want to pass subscribers and publishers through nested components.

shiva provides a createStore() function to create this global store.

// global-store.js
import { createStore } from "shiva";

const globalStore = createStore("🌍");

export default globalStore;

Now subscribe or publish to this store.

// another file
import { globalStore } from "./global-store";

const [subscriberGlobal, publishGlobal] = globalStore;

// Here we can name the subscribe / publish functions, note we don't call the globalStore, it is already a subscribe / publish tuple.

See https://bitbucket.org/gabrielmccallin/shiva-site for an example of state management.


MIT license