
Python classmethod to use AES an Gearman client/server at easy way

Primary LanguagePython


Python classmethod to use JSON + AES an Gearman client/server at easy way.

How it works

#Example code for worker (AES-256):

import __init__ as aesgearman
import datetime;

def aesjsontest( gearman_worker, gearman_job ):

    response = { 
        'data_from_client': gearman_job.data,
        'hola': 'bon dia!',
        'chao': ('bye','adios','adeu'),
        'date': str( datetime.datetime.now() ),

    return response

gm_worker = aesgearman.AESJSON_GearmanWorker( ['localhost'], aeskey='12345678123456781234567812345678' )
s = gm_worker.register_task( 'aesjsontest', aesjsontest )

#Example code for client (AES-256):

import aesgearman

gm_client = aesgearman.AESJSON_GearmanClient( ['localhost'], aeskey='12345678123456781234567812345678' )
s = gm_client.submit_job( 'aesjsontest', ('Testing the complex data by AES',True,), background=False )

print s


What encryption used? AES symmetric cipher

What should be the key length? The secret key to use in the symmetric cipher. It must be 16 (AES-128) or 32 (AES-256) bytes long.


Gabriel Pérez Salzar @gabrielperezs