
Build a custom PYNQ image for Zybo-Z7-20

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

PYNQ 3.0.1 for Zybo-Z7-20

This repo can be used as a guide to build your own PYNQ image for Digilent's Zybo Z7-20 (ZZ720) board. It was only tested for PYNQ v3.0.1.


Preliminary note: this setup assumes that I want my Xilinx tools to be shared between my Host and VM. From now on, let's consider my Host username is johndoe.


This workflow will almost certainly break if you don't use Ubuntu 20.04 VM. Make sure to replace johndoe by YOUR username !

  • Download and install VirtualBox
  • Create a Ubuntu 20.04 VM. Reserve at least 150 GB of disk space for the VM. Set your VM username to your Host machine username, in this example johndoe.
  • Change the default shell from dash to bash: sudo dpkg-reconfigure dash
  • Setup passwordless sudo for johndoe : see this article. TLDR use visudo and add johndoe ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL at the end
  • (Optional but recommended) Install the VirtualBox Guest Additions to be able to share peripherals
  • Add yourself to these groups : sudo usermod -aG dialout,vboxsf,plugdev johndoe

Xilinx tools

After configuring your VM, on your host machine, install Xilinx tools 2022.1. I recommend installing all of them to ${HOME}/Xilinx/:

  • Vivado
  • Vitis
  • PetaLinux

After the installation is complete, create a shared folder between your Host and VM:

  • Folder Path: /home/johndoe/Xilinx
  • Folder Name: Xilinx
  • Mount point: /home/johndoe/Xilinx
  • Auto-mount
  • Make Permanent

Now, your VM should have a Xilinx directory. From now on, we will do everything inside the VM.

Then, try to run <path_to_xilinx_tools>/Vivado/2022.1/bin/vivado. There may be some errors, such as locale, in which case install the en-US.UTF-8 locale. Also, some other packages may be missing. Install them too.

Add Xilinx tools to your VM's ~/.bashrc:

export PATH="${PATH}:${HOME}/Xilinx/Vivado/2022.1/bin/"
export PATH="${PATH}:${HOME}/Xilinx/Vitis/2022.1/bin/"
source $HOME/Xilinx/PetaLinux/settings.sh
source $HOME/Xilinx/Vitis/2022.1/settings64.sh

Then source ~/.bashrc to apply the new configuration to your current shell.

You may have to install the following dependencies:

sudo apt-get install git net-tools libtinfo5 xterm autoconf libtool texinfo zlib1g-dev gcc-multilib zlib1g:i386 libncurses5-dev libncursesw5-dev


Finally, we are ready to build the custom SD card image.

Start by cloning the PYNQ repository in a convenient location, in my case : cd ~/Documents; git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/Xilinx/PYNQ.git; cd PYNQ

Start by setting up the sdbuild flow: ./sdbuild/scripts/setup_host.sh. You may have to re-log after this. Then, follow step 3 of Building the Image from Source. Note: Download the 2 pre-built images circled below. As of 2024-01-14, there is a naming bug in PYNQ rootfs arm v3.0.1: rename its extension from .gz to .tar.gz.


Copy/move this repo's Zybo-Z7-20 folder to <PYNQ>/boards/.

Now, you can play around in the boards/Zybo-Z7-20 files if you want to modify anything (eg change the base overlay or patch the BSP).

When you're ready, from PYNQ/sdbuild/, build the image : make BOARDS=Zybo-Z7-20. If an error occurs, you can clean the build artifacts : make clean. Good luck!

When the build is finished, plug in an SD card (min. 16 GB recommended) and follow the Writing an SD Card Image instructions.


When the SD card is flashed, eject it safely and insert it into ZZ720's SD card slot. Make sure JP5 is set to SD.

You can connect a USB cable to the Zybo-Z7-20 to access its serial port. On the host-side, 2 /dev/ttyUSB* devices should have been created by ZZ720. Access the second one and press the PS-SRST button. You should see logs and eventually land in a console.

From now, you can configure the IP address, install packages, etc with your ZZ720. I also recommend setting up SSH and doing remote development with VS Code !

Albeit unrelated to the build process, if you need high-performance access to PYNQ (aka not using Python), I recommend the PYNQ API, which allows you to interact with the PL from C. Together with Python's CFFI, it makes for a great combo.


Custom image build

Keep in mind that PYNQ requires exact versions of Xilinx tools. Refer to PYNQ's main page to know which versions are compatible with a given PYNQ version.

Now, some thoughts on the custom board creation process. In general, try to start from a similar board - eg ZZ720 uses a similar board to PYNQ-Z1.

Then, create a simple petalinux_bsp. I had success by creating an extremely simple PS-only block design, in which I configured the proper Ethernet, USB, UART, DDR MIO pins, etc.


Then, I exported the bitstream and exported the hardware platform: File->Export->Export Hardware to <Zybo-Z7-20>/petalinux_bsp/hardware_project/zybo-z7-20.xsa.

What is base ?

The base overlay is a regular Overlay (bitstream + hwh) that is loaded at boot. It usually exposes a lot of the board's functionality. You can regenerate the base BD used in this repo by sourcing Zybo-Z7-20/base/base/base.tcl in Vivado. Feel free to include more stuff, for example HDMI, LEDs, Switches, etc and re-export it into a tcl script with Vivado.

The boot_leds PYNQ package uses base, which is a simple LED dancing script. It is located at /boot/boot.py in the PYNQ rootfs.

Installing overlays

Overlays should contain at minimum the .bit and .hwh file of the block design project and to globally install them, copy them to ~/pynq/overlays and update __init__.py.

For some reason, it seems this buildflow does not install base by default. Just put the base.bit, base.hwh, base.py files in ~/pynq/overlays and update __init__.py.