
An offline manga reader on the web

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Manga Reader

This is a manga reading application. It has a client in React and an api in Phoenix.




  • Setup environment with bin/setup
  • Update the environment variables in .envrc.

Running in development:

  • source the environment variables source .envrc (you can use direnv to automate this step)
  • start Phoenix server with bin/server
  • start React client with bin/client

Now visit the api in http://localhost:4000/api/mangas and the client in http://localhost:3000.


There is a docker image in gabrielpoca/manga. To start the image run:

docker run -p 4000:4000 -e "API_KEY=YOUR API KEY" -e "HOST=http://localhost:4000" -e "PORT=4000" -it --rm gabrielpoca/manga:release foreground