POC_TypeScript_Prisma (Wishlist)

An application to control your movie wish list.

How to run for development

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Install all dependencies
npm i
  1. Create a PostgreSQL database with whatever name you want
  2. Configure the .env file using the .env.example file
  3. Run all migrations
npm run migration:run
  1. Seed db
npm run prisma:seed
  1. Run the back-end
npm run dev

OBS: Import the collection through the "thunder-collection cars.json" file to test the routes in the Thunder Client

How to run tests

  1. Follow the steps in the last section

  2. Configure the .env.test file using the .env.example file OBS: name the test database different from the development database

  3. Run all migrations

npm run test:migration:run
  1. Run test: (locally)
npm run test
  1. Run coverage report
npm run test:coverage


Movie Genres

  • GET ("/movie-genres") Get all the movie genres.   Response format:

      "id": 1,
      "name": "Drama",
      "created_at": "2023-01-23T16:34:23.703Z"

Streaming Services

  • GET ("/streaming-services") Get all the streaming services.   Response format:

      "id": 1,
      "name": "Netflix",
      "created_at": "2023-01-23T16:32:16.959Z"

Movies Routes

  • GET("/movies") Get all the movies.   Response format:

      "id": 1,
      "name": "Mad Max: Estrada da Fúria",
      "streaming_services": {
        "name": "HBO Max"
      "movie_genres": {
        "name": "Ação"
      "watched": true,
      "date_watched": "23/01/2023",
      "rating": 5,
      "created_at": "2023-01-23T16:36:22.684Z"
  • POST("/movies") Post a new movie.   Body format:

      "name": "Mad Max: Estrada da Fúria",
      "streaming_service_id": 2,
      "genre_id": 6
  • PATCH("/movies/:id") Updates watched status and movie rating by movie id.   Body format:

      "rating": 5
  • DELETE("/movies/:id") Delete movie by movie id.  

  • GET("/movies/genre/:id") Get all movies by genre.   Response format:

      "id": 1,
      "name": "Mad Max: Estrada da Fúria",
      "streaming_services": {
        "name": "HBO Max"
      "movie_genres": {
        "name": "Ação"
      "watched": true,
      "date_watched": "23/01/2023",
      "rating": 5,
      "created_at": "2023-01-23T16:36:22.684Z"