
R version of Python bubbly repository, a homage to Rosling's Gapminder

Primary LanguageR


Represent multiple dimmensional data as a Gapminder-like animated plot

Getting Started


To install this project you will need RStudio (version 1.0.1 or above recommended) and R (version 3.4 or above recommended). Also, you will need to install plotly package



Installation of the project is straightforward using RStudio. Alternativelly, after you build the package archive using RStudio, you can also install the package with the regular R command


Alternativelly, one can install the package directly from R Console, and without prior download of the package using the command


Running the tests

To run the tests, you can load the project in RStudio and select Build/Test Package command from the menu.

Example of usage

The package includes an example R Markdown example example/example.Rmd. This example used r package gapminder in order to exemplify the usage. You will need to install this package


Dislay a bubbly plot

Load the package

Please make sure you installed the rbubbly package. To install the package, you will need to include this line in your script/RMarkdown/Notebook

#load the package

Plot Gapminder Global Indicators

With the data from gapminder you can display a plot similar with Gapminder plots, developed by Rosling. In this example, we will show Gapminder Global Indicators, with GDP per Capita on x-axis and Life Expectancy on y-axis. For each country is shown a bubble. The bubbles size is corelated with the population size. Bubble colors are associated with the continents (one color for each continent).

#load the library gapminder

#call the rbubbly function
rbubbly::  rbubbly(dataset = gapminder, x_column = gapminder$gdpPercap, y_column = gapminder$lifeExp,
                 bubble_column = gapminder$pop, color_column = gapminder$continent,
                 slider_column = gapminder$year, text_column = gapminder$country,
                 x_title="GDP per Capita", y_title="Life Expectancy", title='Gapminder Global Indicators',
                 x_is_log = TRUE, scale_bubble = 1)

The following plot will appear.

Gapminder plot