A repo to train gRPC stream with Golang
Some stream can be handfull to help to send a big amount of data in tiny chunks.
https://github.com/gabrielrodriguesleite/gRPC_Go/blob/main/README.md https://grpc.io/docs/languages/go/basics/#server-side-streaming-rpc https://github.com/grpc/grpc-go/blob/master/examples/route_guide/routeguide/route_guide.proto
# init go project
go mod init $PACKAGE_NAME
# create the folders
mkdir server client proto
# populate them
echo package main > client/main.go
echo package main > server/main.go
echo 'syntax = "proto3";' > proto/data.proto
After define a .proto execute
make generate
To build data.grpc.pg.go
and data.pg.go
Includes this line on the very end of file ~/.bashrc
or ~/.zshrc
# PROTO GO plugins
export PATH=$PATH:$(go env GOPATH)/bin
Reload environment variables with source ~/.zhrc/
or relogin on the session.
To get all the dependencies for grpc proto run:
go mod tidy
A go.sum
file should be automaticaly created