NLW is an online experience developed by Rocketseat of a week with a lot of practical content and challenges. It is a project that helps us to go to the next "level" of our career.
Ecoleta is a project created to manage the process of trash collection in cities. With him, it is possible to help people to find places where they can take their trash to be collected in a more efficient way(Day 1) - Today is the first day of the NLW, where we already developed the home page of the application using HTML and CSS. It was my first contact with HTML and my second contact with CSS where I could put my skin in the game practicing then. I had the oppurtunity of networking with other devs that were participating in the event, sharing knowledge and ideas.
(Day 5 and the last) -Wow!! What a week! Over these 5 days, I had a total immersion at this incredible project. We've learned how to utilize JavaScript, Git, NodeJS, Nunjucks, database and etc. Each of the new knowledge was very valuable. By now I only have to be grateful to Rocketseat and to the other devs that I have met over this weekend and this unique experience that they have provided.