
Single screen app to login and register users using their phone number

Primary LanguageJavaScript

One Time Password

This is a serverless one time password app using phone number. Thiss app use Firebase

Tools Used

  • Firebase
  • Twilio
  • React Native

Compiling the Backend

Install Firebase Tools

sudo yarn add firebase-tools

Install libs



firebase deploy --project PROJECTNAME-PASSWORD

Firebase Setup

  • Register.

  • Have a Credit card and subscribe to Blaze Plan.

  • Create the project.

  • Generate the firebase.json

  • Store the json at the functions folder.

  • Add the json to .gitignore there are important info about your account, be careful.

  • Curls are generated when you deploy.

Twilio Setup

  • Register.
  • Create a Project.
  • Generate a Twilio Number.
  • Create a filed in the functions folder called secrets.js and add to .gitignore
  • In the secrets.js create this object: const secrets = { "accountSid": "YOUR SID", "authToken": "YOUR TOKEN" };
  • Export using ES5.