
Scanner for Gitlab Security Mis-Configurations

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

ESS-Gitlab (EasyScan Security Gitlab)

Scanner for Gitlab Security Mis-Configurations

Most of the tools for Code Analysis focus on scanning the code itself (like SAST tools), but what about the repository containing the code? Some vulnerabilities or mis-configuration in the repository could lead to countless attack vectors without having any vulnerability in the code itself.

Scanning repository mis-configurations it's a critical part of securing your infrastructure.

Here are some common mis-configurations checks for Gitlab repositories.

How to use it

Run it using Python venv (Virtual Environment)

  1. Change to repostiory dir: cd ess-gitlab
  2. Create venv for this project: python3 -m venv venv/ess-gitlab
  3. Source venv you just created source venv/ess-gitlab/bin/activate
  4. Install ess-gitlab requirements in the sourced venv: pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  5. Gitlab Token: export GITLAB_TOKEN=<your-token>
  6. Run: ./ess-gitlab.py --gitlab_url <your-gitlab-url> --mode baseline --check project --baseline baselines/log4j.yml --id <your-proj-id>

(Each time you need to use this program just source venv you created (step 3))


This tool can run in 2 different modes (--mode):

  • Inventory: It will fetch all the information for a specific scope (check + id).
  • Baseline: It will fetch all the information for a specific scope (check + id) and compare with the baseline definition for that scope for generating a mis-configuration report

ID: Project ID / Group ID / All Projects

You can define --id as a "project id", as a "group id" for getting all project ids under that group or "all" for getting all project ids. You can use spaces to add more than 1.

Gitlab Token

For ESS-Gitlab to function properly it requires certain Gitlab scopes. Ensure you have at a minimum maintainer priviliges on the repository and use read_only (read_user, read_api, read_repository, read_registry) scopes for the Gitlab API token.

You can supply the gitlab token in two ways to ESS-Gitlab:

  1. Use environment variables called "gitlab_token" (RECOMMENDED)
  2. Use CLI switch --gitlab_token

Inventory Mode

Environment variable

EXPORT gitlab_token=<<token_value>>

./ess-gitlab.py --gitlab_url https://yourgitlab.com --mode inventory --check project --id <PROJECT_ID>/<GROUP ID>/all

CLI Switch

./ess-gitlab.py --gitlab_url https://yourgitlab.com --gitlab_token yourgitlabtoken --mode inventory --check project --id <PROJECT_ID>/<GROUP ID>/all

Baseline Mode

Environment variable

EXPORT gitlab_token=<<token_value>>

./ess-gitlab.py --gitlab_url https://yourgitlab.com --mode baseline --check project --id <PROJECT_ID>/<GROUP ID>/all

CLI Switch

./ess-gitlab.py --gitlab_url https://yourgitlab.com --gitlab_token yourgitlabtoken --mode baseline --check project --id <PROJECT_ID>/<GROUP ID>/all

Optional Arguments

  • --gitlab_token: Gitlab API token with sufficient scope and privileges.
  • --jsonfile: Generates JSON file with output (inventory or baseline). Use --no-jsonfile, or omit, to not write to file.
  • --jsonprint: Print JSON to stdout. Use --no-jsonprint, or omit, to not write to stdout.
  • --baseline: Defines where is the baseline file. Default: baselines/default.yml
  • --log: Logger level. Valid Options: ERROR, INFO or DEBUG. Default: ERROR
  • --totalonly: Only write total project findings to stdout. Default: False
  • --scan-archived: Scan also archived projects. Default: False
  • --max-all: If using all as --id, this is the maximun amount of project to be scanned. Default: 100


You can define your own baseline based on your needs or use the default one. You can choose what checks to perform and the expected value of those checks.

Possible Values

You can define a baseline using the following type of values:

  • None: Check disabled. Useful if you want to keep the baselines check keys as reference. None is the same as not adding that check key to the baseline.
  • String: Matching string to output (Example: 'internal')
  • Bool: True matchs if output has data or if output True. False matchs if no Data or if output False.
  • List: At least 1 of the values must be in the output (Example: '[docker:latest]'). Empty list ('[]') same as False.


You can create a baseline that applies for all projects using project id as * or you can specify what you expect from each projects project by defining a baseline with the specific id of those projects. You can use one baseline to define more than one project. If you define a baseline for a specific project and in the same one also values for all projects, the most specific defintion will be apllied. So * will not be check in the specific project.

TO DO: Baselines by Group IDs.

Checks: Project

  • Project Visibility
  • Pages Access Level
  • Security and Compliance
  • Approvals before Merge
  • Push Rules: Unsigned Commits
  • Push Rules: Comitter Check
  • Protected Branches
  • Project Access Tokens
  • Project Deploy Tokens
  • Project Deploy Keys
  • Project file pipeline (.gitlab-ci.yml)
  • Project Merged Pipeline
  • Project Merged Pipeline block: stages
  • Project Merged Pipeline block: image
  • Project file codeowners (CODEOWNERS)
  • Project Shared Runners Enabled
  • Project Runners
  • Project Runners Shared
  • Project Runners Not Shared

Project Visibility

  • Gitlab Documentation
  • Baseline Key: project_visibility
  • Inventory Outputs: internal, public, private
  • Default Baseline: internal

Pages Access Level

  • Gitlab Documentation
  • Baseline Key: project_pages_access_level
  • Inventory Outputs: public, private
  • Default Baseline: private

Security and Compliance

  • Gitlab Documentation
  • Baseline Key: project_security_and_compliance_enabled
  • Inventory Outputs: true, false
  • Default Baseline: true

Approvals before Merge

  • Gitlab Documentation
  • Baseline Key: project_approvals_before_merge
  • Inventory Outputs: Number of Approvals before Merge
  • Default Baseline: 1
  • TO DO: optional/required different output

Push Rules: Unsigned Commits

  • Gitlab Documentation
  • Baseline Key: project_push_rules_unsigned_commits
  • Inventory Outputs: true, false
  • Default Baseline: true

Push Rules: Comitter Check

  • Gitlab Documentation
  • Baseline Key: project_push_rules_comitter_check
  • Inventory Outputs: true, false
  • Default Baseline: true

Protected Branches

  • Gitlab Documentation
  • Baseline Key: project_protected_branches
  • Inventory Outputs: List of Protected Branches
  • Default Baseline: true
  • TO DO: Check by branch

Project Access Tokens

  • Gitlab Documentation
  • Baseline Key: project_access_tokens
  • Inventory Outputs: List of Project Access Tokens
  • Default Baseline: false

Project Deploy Tokens

  • Gitlab Documentation
  • Baseline Key: project_deploy_tokens
  • Inventory Outputs: List of Project Deploy Tokens
  • Default Baseline: false

Project Deploy Keys

  • Gitlab Documentation
  • Baseline Key: project_deploy_keys
  • Inventory Outputs: List of Project Deploy Keys
  • Default Baseline: false

Project file pipeline (.gitlab-ci.yml)

  • Gitlab Documentation
  • Baseline Key: project_file_pipeline
  • Inventory Outputs: false or .gitlab-ci.yml content
  • Default Baseline: true

Project Merged Pipeline

  • Gitlab Documentation
  • Baseline Key: project_merged_pipeline
  • Inventory Outputs: false or full pipeline content (including "include" blocks)
  • Default Baseline: true

Project Merged Pipeline block: stages

  • Gitlab Documentation
  • Baseline Key: project_merged_pipeline_stages
  • Posible Outputs: List of all pipeline Stages (including "include" blocks)
  • Default Baseline: None

Project Pipeline block: image

  • Gitlab Documentation
  • Baseline Key: project_merged_pipeline_image
  • Posible Outputs: List of all images in any stage of the pipeline (including "include" blocks)
  • Default Baseline: None


  • Gitlab Documentation
  • Baseline Key: project_file_codeowners
  • Inventory Outputs: true, false
  • Default Baseline: True

Project Shared Runners Enabled

  • Gitlab Documentation
  • Baseline Key: project_shared_runners_enabled
  • Inventory Outputs: true, false
  • Default Baseline: False

Project Runners

  • Gitlab Documentation
  • Baseline Key: project_runners
  • Inventory Outputs: List of all runners configured in the project
  • Default Baseline: True

Project Runners Shared

  • Gitlab Documentation
  • Baseline Key: project_runners_shared
  • Inventory Outputs: List of all runners shared configured in the project
  • Default Baseline: False

Project Runners Not Shared

  • Gitlab Documentation
  • Baseline Key: project_runners_notshared
  • Inventory Outputs: List of all runners not shared configured in the project
  • Default Baseline: True

Finding Strings in the code like libraries. Example for Log4J vulnerability.

Needs to be used with flag --scanlog4j

  • Baseline Key: project_log4j
  • Inventory Outputs: List search output for all log4j matchs.
  • Default Baseline: List search output based on log4j and that matchs content of key project_log4j

Baselines Examples

Check if "Push Rules: Unsigned Commits" and "Push Rules: Comitter Check" are enabled for all projects (*)

  - '*':
    - project_push_rules_unsigned_commits: True
    - project_push_rules_comitter_check: True

Check if "Project Visibility" is internal for project 1234 and public for project 4321

  - '1234':
    - project_visibility: 'internal'
  - '4321':
    - project_visibility: 'public'

Check if any project is using the image docker:latest in any stage of the pipeline:

  - '*':
    - project_merged_pipeline_image: ['docker:latest']

Check if Deploy Keys, Deploy Tokens, or Access Tokens are not being used:

  - '*':
    - project_access_tokens: False
    - project_deploy_tokens: False
    - project_deploy_keys: False

Check if Pipeline exists by checking file (.gitlab-ci.yml):

  - '*':
    - project_file_pipeline: True

Check if Pipeline exists by using merged pipeline method:

  - '*':
    - project_merged_pipeline: True

Check if CODEOWNERS file (CODEOWNERS) exists:

  - '*':
    - project_file_codeowners: True

Check for string org.apache.logging.log4j in any project. Log4J extra check added.

This check needs to use the flag --scanlog4j

  - '*':
    - project_log4j: ['org.apache.logging.log4j']